
What is flag football? History, rules, tactics of the game

Thousands of people around the world love flag football: competitions are held at the regional and international level, and the game is becoming increasingly popular in Russia.

Dynamic, exciting flag football is suitable for people of any age and gender, especially women and children. Each participant fulfills his role and can turn the tide in favor of his team.

Flag football was shortlisted for inclusion in the program of the 2028 Olympics, which will be held in Los Angeles. This means that […]

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INTERVAL: what is this type of training and why interval training is so effective

Interval fitness is about how to achieve maximum results in a limited time and how to quickly lose extra pounds. In training, short breaks are made between exercises: its total duration does not decrease, but the effectiveness of training increases.

The interval fitness system is borrowed from professional sports: those involved maintain the desired heart rate — all metabolic processes proceed faster, due to which fats are actively burned. By the way, the acceleration of metabolic processes lasts two more days […]

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SUPER SCULPT strength training: a program for creating the perfect body

After seeing a Super Sculpture in the club’s schedule, visitors often wonder: “What kind of direction is this in fitness?”. It’s always easier to show, so we invite you to power aerobics, where intensive exercises have a healing effect on the whole body.

As a sculptor, you perfect the body. And it’s also a good way to lose extra pounds, get rid of cellulite and tighten the figure, strengthening muscles, ligaments and bones.

You not only correct your forms, but also improve […]

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